It Comes From Within!

Have you ever seen a boudoir photo and thought: “that could never be me. I’m too ___ (fill in the blank with whatever little lies you tell yourself!).

Here’s the thing: Photography can sometimes be seen as focusing on the outer beauty (which we all have, because hellooo, we are all goddesses!).

But can I tell you a secret?

The beauty we capture on camera really comes from within you!

At Lovely in Lace, we take our time getting to know our clients. We spend time bringing natural smiles out of you. You also get to incorporate your own personal style and personality into your session. This makes it so that your true essence really shines through.

You are truly beautiful and incredible just as you are. More than anything, we want to shine a light on that. As much as we glamorize the physical aspect of photography, it’s the emotional aspect that touches our souls, and it’s what we aim to capture more than anything else.

HAMU: Kristy's Artistry Design Team

All images shown by Lovely in Lace have received signed permission from Client for use. We are so thankful to be able to share their beautiful images with you!

Sivan Rettew