Then to Now | Orlando Boudoir Photographer
Let me tell you all a little something about the Lovely A.
I recently got to see her again for the first time in YEARS! I photographed her wedding in 2011, and she had asked me prior to the wedding if I would do boudoir photos of her. I DIDN’T REMEMBER THIS AT ALL, AND I AM SO THANKFUL SHE REMINDED ME! All of these years, I’ve been asked “how’d you get into boudoir?” and I truly never had a good answer. I could not remember how! NOW I KNOW! It’s because of this beauty right here!
When she asked me if I will do boudoir photos for her, apparently I told her that I don’t do that type of photography, and I referred her to several other photographers who do. She wasn’t happy with that answer, and so a few months later, I decided to do boudoir photography! She was one of my very first clients — back in the days when I booked hotel rooms and did about 6-7 back to back boudoir sessions. It wasn’t glamorous, but hey…it worked at the time!
Fast forward to now, and I had the amazing opportunity to photograph her all over again. This time in my very own studio, where it IS glamorous. And where I CAN give my girls the absolute best experience!
I just adore this girl, and I am so happy she’s stuck with me over the years and did another boudoir session!
HAMU: Kristy's Artistry Design Team
All images shown by Lovely in Lace have received signed permission from Client for use. We are so thankful to be able to share their beautiful images with you!