Freeing Yourself | Orlando Boudoir Photographer
I distinctly remember my very first conversation with the Lovely K. on the phone. I remember where I was, what I was doing, and even what day of the week it was. I don’t know why…but I guess some conversations just really stand out.
In life, you’re going to be thrown curve-balls. Things you never expected. Things that break your heart and break you down mentally and physically. And those things…they aren’t fun. We don’t want them. But…we HAVE to come back from them. And the Lovely K…she has quite a bit of these said-experiences under her belt. They have shaped her into the amazing, caring, wonderful person that she is today.
I wasn’t able to put into words myself what she’s gone through, so I asked her if she would write it for me so that I could share it with you all. Just like I’m sure she does, I truly hope that if you yourself are going through something rough right now, you’ll find comfort in her words.
Guess I’ll start by saying, I don’t know how to talk about me. Lol.
What I feel grateful for, are my parents and proud to say I was their rock. My mom words, not mine. I did things for her that to this day is between her and I. No reason for it and I feel to this day it would reflect as “look what I did.
The same can be said for my dad. I cared for him till his last breath. That was an interesting, lengthy, stressful and educational experience.
The world is a different place without your parents.
Immediately after the passing of my father I had a health journey of my own. Caring for my father changed my outlook on life, my own journey tweaked my outlook. The past (experiences) readies one for the future, I No longer spend time trying to figure out things that are futile.
The Boudoir Session: I began to think about it during my health crisis journey. I saw those in my situation doing various things to celebrate themselves. They did so in various forms. From purchasing their dream car, dream vacation, tattoos, going to a concert whether in their city or a trip. I started looking at Boudoir photos. I have no idea how you/Lovely in Lace came on my radar. One night, there you were on Facebook. I followed your post for months. Then another local Boudoir photographer showed up in my feed. I liked how you spoke to the ladies, empowering post. Spoke of protecting the group from creepers. Your photos are tasteful, natural, whimsical and ladies of all shapes, sizes, culture and judgement free. The comments are positive and encouraging. Your vibe truly attracts your tribe. I felt you would be the person who knew how to handle my “on screen” insecurities and nerves.
I did the session for me! To show me, after all I had been through, 2 1/2 years of very scary things, that I still can be sexy for me. So many changes, physically and mentally.
I could not believe it was me in the first few photos you showed me right in the beginning of the session. Seeing myself through your lens was emotionally enlightening, freeing the insecurities.
Every lady has a story that they led them to you. Mine; medical, physical and emotional changes and mental strength in myself. When I look at the photos, I can remember what I was thinking about at that moment in the shoot.
I thank you for showing me what you, your lens shows is there. Just the right encouragement in a safe & fun environment and it comes out.
HAMU: Kristy's Artistry Design Team
All images shown by Lovely in Lace have received signed permission from Client for use. We are so thankful to be able to share their beautiful images with you