Feeling Pretty | Orlando Boudoir Photographer
“I’ll be honest, I just want to take some time to myself and feel pretty. “
One of my favorite answers when asked what she’s doing her boudoir session for! Every woman deserves to take some time to feel beautiful, special, and extra! And every woman deserves to splurge on herself, spoil herself, treat herself to something special — however you want to describe it! Just do something good for YOURSELF every once in a while. Don’t wait for someone else to do these things for you. We are our own people, and we are responsible for our own well-being and happiness.
This woman has brains and beauty, and it was so incredible getting to know her during her session!
Enjoy her blog feature, and her radiant smile!!
HAMU: Kristy's Artistry Design Team
All images shown by Lovely in Lace have received signed permission from Client for use. We are so thankful to be able to share their beautiful images with you!