She Trusted Herself! | Orlando Boudoir Photographer
This beautiful bride to be came in for her bridal boudoir session earlier this year, and can I just say WOWZA!
I loved every single moment of her boudoir session. From the moment she walked in, to the moment she saw her photos in disbelief that this is her! Hands down, my FAVORITE part of what I do is being able to disprove women in the notion that they feel they aren’t capable of being sexy, strong women. I am not one to enjoy proving people wrong…but in this case, yes. Yes I do. It shows me that even though they were nervous as heck, unsure of themselves, and not their most confident selves — that they TRUSTED in me, they TRUSTED in the experience, and they TRUSTED in themselves. And then, that moment they see their photos, just like the Lovely M., they realize how friggin’ INCREDIBLE they are.
And that, ladies, is why I love what I do…and why YOU need to come in for your own boudoir experience.
HAMU: Kristy's Artistry Design Team
All images shown by Lovely in Lace have received signed permission from Client for use. We are so thankful to be able to share their beautiful images with you!