Embrace Who You Are | Orlando Boudoir Photographer
The Lovely A. recently came in for her first boudoir session, and damn….she knocked it out.of.the.park!
One of the biggest things I say about boudoir sessions with our team is that they are meant for you to embrace who you are! And you know what, she totally did! She loves wearing wigs and having different looks. She has multiple different ones, but for this session she chose to wear her long, black wig. And so she took what makes her happy, and she embraced it in her session!
We can all agree that she is absolutely beautiful (take a look at her “before” photo!). But what I love about boudoir is that it takes you from your every-day beautiful, to your special-occasion bombshell!
I absolutely cannot wait for her second boudoir session in just a couple of months, and I can’t wait to see what look she decides to go with for that one!
Embrace who you are. Love your qualities. Love the things that make you happy (like wearing gorgeous wigs!).
HAMU: Kristy's Artistry Design Team
All images shown by Lovely in Lace have received signed permission from Client for use. We are so thankful to be able to share their beautiful images with you

From Beauty…
…to Bombshell