Fill Your Cup | Orlando Boudoir Photography

Everyone needs to be a cheerleader for themself like the Lovely A.! She has the perfect words for herself and others who might be hesitant to take the leap and book their boudoir session! Read on to see what she said!

What made you book a boudoir session?

I initially booked the session with the purpose of gifting it to my husband for his birthday. But I think subconsciously I was also doing it for myself.

How did you feel coming into the studio?

Coming in, I felt a little nervous. I was worried I would be too awkward or I just wouldn't look good in the final images. Those worries weren't as high when I came in as much as when I booked since I began following the Facebook group and saw so many women who just looked so stunning. It helped me gain a little bit of confidence that maybe I could pull this off, too.

How did you feel during your session (specifically once you saw your photos on the back of camera)?

Being able to talk while getting hair and makeup done definitely calms your nerves a little. You get to take in the environment, you get to just relax and get comfortable. I was still nervous to put on that first outfit and how it would turn out but when Sivan showed me that first photo on the back of the camera I was IN LOVE. I couldn't believe that was ME. Sivan makes you feel like you are a supermodel and just the most beautiful woman in the world. And when you see the photos, you believe it. Because it is true.

How did you feel after your session?

After the session I felt empowered. I felt sexy, confident, beautiful. 

How do you feel now after seeing your final images?

After seeing my images I feel like I can recognize that I am beautiful in this season of life. That I can be confident that I am an amazing, beautiful, empowered woman. I think I definitely see myself differently looking in the mirror.

Anything you'd like to say to other women who are hesitating to do this for XYZ reason?

I think most women have a reason not to do something. Maybe they feel their body isn't in the right shape, or they are too old, don't have a purpose for doing it. But all of those things are just our insecurities and fears. I personally did not feel body confident. I am still trying to get back to pre-baby body and it has held me back from doing a lot of things. What I have learned is that each season of life is beautiful and deserves its moment to shine. My body produced two amazing children. I needed to embrace it. Celebrate it. The greatest thing you can do for yourself is prove yourself wrong. Take that insecurity or fear and show yourself it is just that. Show yourself you are worthy, beautiful, confident, sexy, and most of all-- do it for you. I will always believe in filling your own cup, however that may be. So if you are hesitant or feel like you aren't worthy or have a reason to do a session, I promise you you are. And the only reason you need is yourself. Fill. Your. Cup.


Have you been too busy filling others cups that you haven’t realized yours is empty? Or worse, you know yours is empty and you don’t take the time to fill it. Let us help you fill it back up!

HAMU: Kristy's Artistry Design Team

All images shown by Lovely in Lace have received signed permission from Client for use. We are so thankful to be able to share their beautiful images with you!